Replay API

The Replay API allows simulating real-time SDK behavior with previously recorded data, or rerunning recorded sequences with high-quality postprocessing settings, which is especially useful when used together with the Mapping API.

The replay API can be used with data recorded from any of the devices supported by the SDK.

class spectacularAI.Replay(*args, **kwargs)

Replay previously recorded data

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: spectacularAI.Replay, folder: str, *, mapperCallback: Callable[[spectacularAI::mapping::MapperOutput], None] = None, configuration: dict = {}, ignoreFolderConfiguration: bool = False, startTime: object = None, stopTime: object = None) -> None

Build a replay from a given folder containing the dataset

  1. __init__(self: spectacularAI.Replay, folder: str, mapperCallback: Callable[[spectacularAI::mapping::MapperOutput], None], *, configuration: dict = {}, ignoreFolderConfiguration: bool = False, startTime: object = None, stopTime: object = None) -> None

Build a replay from a given folder containing the dataset with a mapping callback

close(self: spectacularAI.Replay) None

Closes replay.

runReplay(self: spectacularAI.Replay) None

Starts replaying the data and blocks until close() is called or the entire session has played out

setExtendedOutputCallback(self: spectacularAI.Replay, arg0: Callable[[spectacularAI.VioOutput, List[spectacularAI.Frame]], None]) None

Set a callback that’s called for new output

setOutputCallback(self: spectacularAI.Replay, arg0: Callable[[spectacularAI.VioOutput], None]) None

Set a callback that’s called for new output

setPlaybackSpeed(self: spectacularAI.Replay, arg0: float) None

Sets playbacks speed, 1.0 == real time, 2.0 == fast forward 2x, 0.5 == at half speed, -1.0 == unlimited. Defaults to 1.0.

startReplay(self: spectacularAI.Replay) None

Starts replaying the data in the background until close() is called or entire session has been played.